INCB Präsident Cornelis P. de Joncheere sagt, nationale Drogenpolitik muss nicht verfolgen
In dem Statement zur Eröffnung der 64. Suchtstoffkommission gibt Cornelis P. de Joncheere, Präsident des International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) an, dass die internationalen Abkommen nicht unbedingt Polizei und Strafen vorsehen. So sei es den Nationalstaaten überlassen, wie sie mit dem Drogenphänomen umgehen. Es werde von vielen Staaten die Prävention, Behandlung, Rehabilitation und soziale Integration von Personen, die von dem Drogenproblem betroffen sind, zu wenig vorangestellt:
Equally, the goals of reducing the illicit cultivation, trafficking and non-medical use of drugs and providing treatment and rehabilitation services to people suffering from drug dependence has not been addressed effectively. It is worth noting that the two conventions did not provide specific international tools or instruments for achieving those broader goals; and that this was left to States Parties to implement within their own social and cultural contexts.
Demand for illicit drugs continues to be of concern throughout the world. The conventions require States parties to take measures for the prevention of drug use and for the treatment, rehabilitation and social reintegration of people affected by drug problems but many Governments have not yet given enough priority to this issue.
Die Stellungnahme kann hier eingesehen werden: Statement by Cornelis P. de Joncheere, President of the International Narcotics Control Board – Sixty-fourth session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs: Ceremonial opening segment